"This Coat of Arms was prepared by the
Department of Heraldry of Tiffany, New York, and was considered
by Francis Bacon Trowbridge to correctly depict the Trowbridge
Coat of Arms. It reads in Latin: "Let the bridge be firm." The
Trowbridge Coat of Arms in England was borne, by Admiral Sir
Thomas Troubridge (as it was spelled then): a brave naval officer
under Horatio Nelson, Great Britain's greatest admiral. Sir
Thomas Trowbridge was knighted in 1799. The cross keys of St.
Peter being added to his Coat of Arms after his reduction of the
Castle of Saint Elmo. His motto was SPES PONS VITAC ESTE. The
Trowbridge Coat of Arms was still on a wind.. in St. James
Church, Taunton, England in 1908."
Special thanks to Cheryl Trowbridge-Miller for the Trowbridge Coat of Arms.
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Morris Co., NJ
This web page is primarily about the branch of the
family that remained in Morris County, which I was surprised to
find that in spite of the multitude of Trowbridge web pages on
the internet, there were very few, if any, from the Morris County
branch of the family. In fact, many of the Trowbridges that now
live all over the United States are his descendents. This web
page is about the branch of the family that remained in Morris
County, which I was surprised to find that in spite of the
multitude of Trowbridge web pages on the internet, there were
very few, if any, from the Morris County branch of the family. In
researching this web page, I relied on a variety of sources,
including such genealogy web sites such as Ancestry.com, Family
Search.com, other Trowbridge web pages (especially the web pages
of cousin Cheryl Trowbridge-Miller, &Sylvie Higgins Paine),
research by two of my second cousins, Mary Pavlik and Doug
Gawron; the US Genweb pages for Morris County (maintained by
Brianne Kelly-Bly); local cemeteries, libraries.
The most important source of most of this information is the book
that has become the main source book of information for
Trowbridge researchers, "The Trowbridge Genealogy" by Francis
Bacon Trowbridge. Francis Bacon Trowbridge, was a New Haven based
genealogist from the early part of the 20th century who compiled
this book in 1909, following the mass mailing of about 800-1000
questionnaires to members of the Trowbridge family living
throughout the United States. The information that he obtained is
an invaluable source of information for future Trowbridge
researchers. The following is a letter my family received from
cousin George S. Nas, who had just obtained a copy of the Francis
Bacon Trowbridge book, "the Genealogy of the Trowbridge Family"
back in 1982. It is an excellent summary of the significance of
the Trowbridge family in American History:
The Trowbridges first arrived in America in 1636 when Thomas
Trowbridge, a woolen merchant from Taunton, England, and his
family settled in Dorchester, Massachusetts Bay colony. Finding
the political and religious climate intolerant, he moved his
family to New Haven, Connecticut Colony a few years later.
Following the death of his wife, Elizabeth Marshall, Thomas
returned to England in the 1640s. He would later participate in
the English Civil War, on the side of the Parliamentary forces
known as the "Roundheads" against King Charles I of England. He
left his sons Thomas, James, and William behind, who started one
of the earliest families to settle New England. By 1730, David
Trowbridge, a grandson of William Trowbridge, moved out of New
Haven Colony with his mother Ann Sherwood, and his step-father
Caleb Fairchild, and their family, and settled Hanover, Morris County, New
Jersey. As an adult, David would later homestead a part of Morris
county that became known as Trowbridge Mountain, according to
Morris Plains historian Julia Beers, purchased land from the
Indians. That area became known as Trowbridge Mountain according
to Francis Bacon Trowbridge:, "because David, his sons, and
grandsons built their farms there." Later, several of David's
sons left Morris County, and settled in other parts of the
country, especially what was then known as the Northwest
Territories (Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, etc.), Pennsylvania,
Virginia, and Tennessee. In fact, many of the Trowbridges that
now live all over the United States are his descendents.
The Trowbridge direct line goes back to:
Thomas Trowbridge. He was the primitive ancestor of a very large
majority of the Trowbridges in America. He came to America in the
seventeenth century, from Taunton, Somersetshire, England. He
first arrived at the colony of Massachusetts Bay. With some of
the Massachusetts Bay Colony laws not being favorable to sane,
the Trowbridges moved to the plantation of New Haven, in the New
Haven Colony.
Thomas' son, Thomas Trowbridge II was a very enterprising man and
became very successful. By 1662, having built Warehouses
&Warf Inc., timbering out land on the Common for the building
of a vessel, he had became a prominent merchant trading with
England, the West Indies, the Sandwich Islands and many other
ports. Eventually came the ownership of many sailing ships, which
sailed out of New Haven CT. and businesses were established, land
was purchased, plantations, formation of companies. At New Haven
the Union Wharf Co. was established. He purchased several acres
of land from the neighboring Indians. The Indians who sold the
land to Thomas T. are on record in New Haven CT. In 1673, with
the prospect of war with the Dutch, Thomas Trowbridge was
appointed commissary for the New Haven Colony to fit out the
troops. He was a confirmed lieutenant with the Conn. troops and
probably saw active service in King Philip's War. He was
treasurer of the town from. 1679-1680. In later years he was
chosen Townsman and held office for 8 years. He acted as agent
and purchased much of the land for the town, from the Indians,
thus ending Indian ownership within the boundaries of the town of
New Haven. Later, the Trowbridge name was considered to be the
head of the West India Business in the United States. Thomas also
purchased land in the newly acquired colony of New Jersey, mostly
as an investment.
George Trowbridge served on board the ship Constitution during
the War of 1812 when the famous battle took place with the
Elihu Trowbridge was chosen for the position of one of General
George Washington's life-guards in 1776 during the revolution. He
served for nine months.
There were more than 100 Trowbridges who served during the
Revolutionary War at both land and sea. During the Civil War a
regiment could have been formed with those who had the Trowbridge
name alone. All of these were from privates to high-ranking
officers. Going back to Thomas Trowbridge, there were also direct
descendents in the Trowbridge family that served with the
Confederate armies. They fought in the Black Hawk wars, Seminole
wars, and the Spanish American war. World War I, World War II and
in Vietnam. Many were ranch owners and cowboys as well. They went
west during the gold rush of 1849. There were authors, many books
were published. There were famous Doctors, a music composer in
New England, bridge builders, manufacturers, participants in the
building of the Erie Canal, in the management capacity.
There was also a Congressman {Ebenezer Rowland Trowbridge},
Many Trowbridge ministers of different faiths; there were
sheriffs, a Texas Ranger, pioneers in covered wagons.
Wilber E. Trowbridge was a Sgt. at Fort Yates D.T. in charge of
guarding Chief Sitting Bull after his surrender in 1884.
Capt. Roswell Trowbridge captured by British at sea.
Trowbridge's, Early tavern owners.
Benedict Arnold, when transferred in Colonial Army, a Trowbridge
took his place.
Thomas Trowbridge, challenged to a duel with pistols by Benedict
Stephen Trowbridge with the Green Mountain Boys under Ethan Alien during the Revolutionary War.
Capt. John Trowbridge with troops in Morristown, Morris County,
New Jersey, N.J. Huts in winter of 1779-80.
John Townsend Trowbridge, famous 19th century American writer
and poet.
Trowbridges, some sea captains, and some seamen lost at sea and
never heard of again.
A Trowbridge who prospected in the West and all the Pacific State
W. O. Trowbridge, Civil War Veteran, worked on Union Pacific R.R.
until completed.
Trowbridges, war with Mexico, 1847.
Early Trowbridges in England - Back to approx. 1100 A.D.
Peter De Trowbridge, listed as the Barton (Baron) of Trowbridge
during the reign of King Edward I approx. 1300 A.D.
Trowbridges in America, Early New England colonies and
Professor John T. Trowbridge taught at M.I.T.
William Petit Trowbridge, General with Army Corps of Engineers
during the Civil War.
Trowbridges, Ships and Shipping and Bombardier - peacetime and
war time during early wars.
Gilbert T. Trowbridge, 3 years on whaling vessel.
George T. Trowbridge, Co A. 27th. Conn. Infantry in Battle of
Early shipping and adventures of the Trowbridges of the New Haven
Harold Rutherford Trowbridge - Mountain Climber.
Miles M. Trowbridge - Color Bearer Co. "C", 1st. Wisconsin,
during Civil War.
Caleb Trowbridge at 14 joined Co. M. 1st. Conn. Vol. Rode with
the cavalry and participated in most all of Sheridan's Campaigns
during Civil War.
Trowbridges extensive business and land holdings in the British
West Indies.
There were Trowbridges who were Townsmen and Leaders,
schoolteachers, college professors, and inventors.
Dr. Amasa Trowbridge was a professor of Surgery in 1834.
The Honorable Charles C. Trowbridge, Special Indian Agent.
Personal involvement with land purchases from the Indians Early
Explorations and Expeditions in the Wisconsin and Michigan areas.
Traveled in birch bark canoe. The true story relating to Charles
C. Trowbridge is incredible.
General Luther S. Trowbridge was associated with Gen. George
Armstrong Custer on several occasions. A Lt. Col. during the
Battle of Gettysburg, his horse was killed under him while
leading the charge of the 5th Michigan Cavalry.
Col. Charles Tyler Trowbridge led the first all black Union Army
regiment during the Civil War (predating Col. Shaw's
There were Trowbridges at the 1st battle of Bull Run and there
were Trowbridges present during the surrender at Appomattox.
There were surveyors, even one with the Powell expedition.
Railroad officials, a telegraph operator in the Yukon.
Frederic O. Trowbridge in 1891 before he was 16 joined the
cavalry and served three years with Custers old regiment-the 7th
US Cav. Co H.
Jonathon Trowbridge was a traveling companion of Daniel
Judge Edmund Goff Trowbridge presided over the trial of the four
British soldiers who participated in the Boston Massacre of
Winston S. Trowbridge was appointed in 1852 to United States
Consul for Barbados and adjacent Islands, by President Fillmore
with credentials from Queen Victoria.
In writing about sons of the Trowbridge family, many who were
early settlers and pioneers in America mentioned above, were all
our ancestors. There is substantial documentation and information
to prove this is true."
1982, George S. Nas, whose mother was a Trowbridge
from Randolph (Trowbridge Mountain), Morris County, New
Trowbridge, the name in early records is variously spelled: Troubrugge, Trobrugge, Troubrigge, Troubryge, Troubbridge, Troubridge, Troberidge, Trobrydge, Trobreeg, Troobridg, Troblebridge, Trobblebridge, Throughbridge, Throwbridge, Trobruig, Trobridge, Trowbrydge, Sturbrigge, Sturbridge, Turbridge, Strobreidge, Strobridge, Strowbridge, Strawbridge, (the final "e" being omitted in many cases). The mode of spelling now generally adopted is Trowbridge. Trowbridge has been used as a surname in England for many centuries, but the exact time that it was first so used is uncertain and the Authors of dictionaries of family surnames do not agree as to its derivation. Bardsley in his "Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames" states that the name was first given an individual on account of his residence at Trowbridge in Wiltshire. It may be said that this was its origin, and that a member of the family removed to Devon and gave the same name to his seat in that county, and it is also quite possible that some individuals in later times may have assumed the name of Trowbridge on account of a residence at Trowbridge.
 Trowbridge is a thriving market town situated on a rocky eminence rising from the valley of the river Biss, and in respect of population is the largest town in Wiltshire. The parish of Trowbridge forms part of the hundred of Melksham. On the south side it adjoins the hundred of Wherwelsdown and on the west of that of Bradford-on-Avon. It consists of a strip of land some three miles long and on an average one mile broad, and contains in all 2,443 acres. It is divided into several tithings; on the north is that of Staverton; on the west that of Trowle; on the south that of Studley; and there is also the town Liberty. The town itself is situated, as nearly as may be, in the center of the whole parish. No trace of history of Trowbridge is found until the end of the eleventh century, here we find it in the Domesday book, where it is called Straburg; a strange form of the name, but nevertheless pretty clearly identified with what we now call Trowbridge.
 Wiltshire, LXVII: The Land of Oda And Other Kings
Theghs, Page 192
"Beorhtric holds Trowbridge his father held it in Trey, and it
paid geld for 10 hides. There is land for 9 ploughs. In demeshe
are 2 ploughs and 7 slaves; and 11 villains and 6 cotsets with 7
ploughs. Ther is a mill rendering 10s and 10 acres of meadow, and
12 acres of pasture. [And] woodland 5 furlongs long and 3
furlongs broad. It is worth 5 pounds now 8 pounds."
A neuro-muscular disease known as C. M. T., or
Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome, has afflicted several members of
the Trowbridge family. It comes in two forms: 1A, the more common
and less severe form, and a rare, but more serious form: type 1B.
If you suspect that you have this condition, consult your
physician immediatly so he can test you for the condition. Just a
note, the disease is difficult to detect, with each strain having
it's own individual blood test. So as a consequence, you should
mention this when seeing your physician.
The following is a description of CMT from the
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association website:
"...Charcot-Marie-Tooth, or CMT, is the most common inherited
neurological disorder, affecting approximately 150,000 Americans.
CMT is found world-wide in all races and ethnic groups. It was
discovered in 1886 by three physicians, Jean-Marie-Charcot,
Pierre Marie, and Howard Henry Tooth.
CMT patients slowly lose normal use of their feet/legs and
hands/arms as nerves to the extremities degenerate. The muscles
in the extremities become weakened because of the loss of
stimulation by the affected nerves.
Additionally, there is a loss of sensory nerve function. Unlike
muscular dystrophy in which the defect is in the muscles, CMT is
a disorder in which the defect is in the nerves that control the
What are its characteristics?
A high arched foot is one of the first signs of this disorder. As
the disease progresses, structural foot deformities take place.
The patient develops a pes cavus foot with hammer toes. Foot drop
and ankle sprains are frequent manifestations. The progressive
muscle wasting leads to problems with walking, running, and
balance. To avoid tripping, patients with foot drop raise their
knees unusually high resulting in high steppage gait. In some
patients, muscle weakness may also occur in the upper legs. Flat
foot is seen as well in patients with CMT.
Hand function also becomes affected because of progressive muscle
atrophy, making fine manipulatory acts, like writing,
The loss of nerve function in the extremities also leads to
sensory loss. The ability to distinguish hot and cold is
diminished as well as the sense of touch.
CMT also can be inherited in a recessive or an X-linked pattern.
The degree of severity can vary greatly from patient to patient,
even within the same family. A child may or may not be more
severely disabled than his/her parent.
How is it inherited?
CMT is generally inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. This
means that if one parent has the disease (either the father or
the mother) there is a 50% chance of passing it on to each
CMT can also be inherited in recessive or an X-linked pattern. To
determine the pattern of inheritance, each CMT patient should
consult a genetic counselor, neurologist or other medical
authority familiar with the disease.
How is it diagnosed?
Careful diagnosis of CMT involves clinical evaluation of muscle
atrophy, testing of muscle and sensory responses, nerve condition
and electromyographic (EMG) studies, as well as a thorough review
of the patient's history. CMT types 1A and 1X can now be
diagnosed by a DNA blood test. Some people who carry the CMT
genetic trait show no apparent physical symptoms. The variation
in degree of physical disability, together with a lack of
physician awareness of CMT, has often led to misdiagnosis.
Today, the Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association is educating both
medical specialists and patients about CMT.
How is it treated?
At present there is no cure for CMT, although physical therapy
and moderate activity are often recommended to maintain muscle
strength and endurance.
Custom shoes or shoe inserts (foot orthoses) will help to improve
gait. Leg braces will prevent ankle sprains, improve gait, and
reduce the amount of energy needed to walk. Corrective orthopedic
foot surgery is available to help maintain mobility when
medically indicated.
Splinting, specific exercises, adaptive devices and surgery can
help maintain hand function.
Currently I am trying to track the extent of the disease in the
Trowbridge family, namely those descended from David Trowbridge
and Anna Youngs of Mount Freedom, New Jersey. If you or any
members of your family who suffer from this disease, or any of
the symptoms, you can email me at trowbridges@gmail.com. For more
information on CMT, visit the above linked website. You can also
get more information from the Muscular Dystrophy Association
(MDA) website by clicking here.
Special thanks to the following members of the
Trowbridge family who contributed to this webpage:
Barbara Foderaro for information on the descendents of William
Francis Trowbridge
Angela Dethloff for her hours of research, and information on her
ancestor, William Francis Trowbridge's brother, David Jarrard
Nancy for information on Thomas Trowbridge.
George Trowbridge, Sr. and Cherri Trowbridge for information
regarding the family of Elwood Trowbridge and Rose Snook.
Cheryl Trowbridge-Miller for material regarding Charles Tyler
Trowbridge and the descendents of David Trowbridge the son of
Daniel Trowbridge.
Charlie Scott (Tabitha Trowbridge)
Doug Gawron (documents and theories regarding Shubael Trowbridge
&Crispus Trowbridge)
Mary Pavlik (The descendents of David J. and Bryant
Jim McCallum (Crispus Trowbridge and the Canadian branch of the
Trowbridge family)
Cristi Starr (Strawbridge and Maus families)
George S. Nas
and many others, who are acknowledged throughout my webpage.
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