We lay no claim to being experts, anyone that does is either not quite right, or just plain dishonest. We do not show up at peoples doors in a refurbished ambulance carrying plasma guns, but we do have a lot of experience in dealing with what a lot of people call "hauntings" "ghosts" or "poltergeists". In most cases these are just lost souls that don't understand what has happened to them, and they don't know what to do, or where to go. we have sucessfully led thousands of these lost souls home. The methods we use are Love and Understanding, for are we not all brothers and sisters in the Light??? Hollywood and these so called "Paranormal Investigators" feeling for their cold spots and writing books, have set all of us back a hundred years in our understanding of the spiritual realm. If your child talks to make believe friends, they are not necessarily "Lost Souls", there are spirits around all of us. Children sometimes see into the spiritual realm because they have not been back in the flesh long enough for the animal instincts of this flesh to completely blind, and/or mute their spiritual instinct. Do not be alarmed, if your child is talking to a spirit, chances are that it is their "spirit guide" "guardian angel", or whatever your preference. You don't have the anti-christ in the making, and you have no need of an exorcist!!!! Ask your child questions about their unseen friend, it very well could be an enlightening experience for both of you, and it will help you understand who and what you are dealing with. Very rarely do children converse with evil spirits. The children's spiritual instincts are still much more keen than their parent's are. They can sense good and bad in people, and in the spiritual realm as well. Folks in our local area's we can help in person, we are just normal folks, just barely getting by from payday to payday, so our resoures are strictly limited, but thru cyberspace e-mail, and ICQ, I believe we can at least shed some light on a lot of questions, and problems folks may have. We are not doing this for fame, fortune, glory, nor any of the flesh desires. We have been doing this for years in relative secrecy...We just want to help as many as possible while we are still able, till we cross over to the proverbial "Promised Land" *SMILE* Believe us when we say we've experienced things that you wouldn't believe, so don't be shy.....We are sure there are a lot of folks out there that have experienced things that we have not seen or could imagine for that matter....."IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS......WE VERY WELL MAY HAVE ANSWERS".....We will give it a twirl anyway!!! One day we hope to travel and really make a difference. At this time I don't believe we have a "Haunt" within a 200 mile radius of us, but there are plenty of roaming lost souls to keep us occupied... If you know where we are coming from with this page, and want to help...FREE OF GLAMOUR, GLITTER, GLORY, and of course FREE OF CHARGE for those that are seeking help, and you want to help...Please contact us, tell us how you feel, and we can put a link on this page to you....Right now there is just Hopichild and us. If we could get a chain of folks like us going, we could cover a vast area, helping people in person, and really make a difference. If we could do this, maybe one day when people hear of Spiritualists, they will think of beings full of Love and Light doing their best to spread understanding, and helping their brothers and sisters, instead of thinking of some yahoo helping themselves to someones wallet by spouting off a bunch of generalities, putting on a good act, seeking out cold spots, or looking into a crystal ball...HA!!! Who are you gonna call??? Ghostbusters!!! NOT!!! Give us a holler....we will try our best...Love and Light to All of You..... "The NatureSpirits" Click on image to go to "The Path" CONTACT ONE OF US THRU E-MAIL Any Volunteers???" I Think These Two Went Offline....Haven't Heard From Them For Quite Awhile!!! Let our SpiritGirl take you to The NatureSpirit's Wicca Page.† † Thank You Amy Lui For The Honor Spirit And Sky Top Spiritual Site 2005 Click on Image To Visit The Defenders of Wildlife Click on Image To Visit The National Wildlife Federation OTHER PAGES ON THIS SITE CHECK THEM ALL OUT, WE THINK YOU WILL ENJOY THEM Page Last Checked and/or Updated:November 15, 2007 This page hosted by Get your own Free Homepage