Link page
Link page-tengla síða
Here we have listed our favorite links to both spiritual pages and others.
Hér höfum við tekið saman nokkrar góðar andlegar síður auk annarra athyglisverðra síðna
John The homepage of John Armitage/Hari Babba Melchizedek.
Heimasíða föður Shamballa MD heilunar
Soulwork: Home page of Carol Hathor-Sálnavisku síða
How to order     Waterfall essences     Index of all the essences    Crystal and precious stone  essences      Flower essences              Essences from the ocean   Shamballa MD healing essences
Devic and cosmic essences      Shamballasetrid

Other Healing and Shamballa MDH sites offered by Shamballa initiates
Aðrar Shamballa MD heilunarsíður með meiru

Taliloquay- Phyllis Brooks website on essences and othe healing methods


Metagifted -lots of info on Indigo children

Rays of  healing light

ncient echos/shifting winds

Islands own

Dream catcher

Awakening spirits

Tala´s magical broom closet

Medicine sign (Cathy Norris and Tom Norris´ site)

Shamballa Bulgaria

Shamballa Foundation

Shamballa shop
Íslenskar síður um andleg málefni-Icelandic websites

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