This homepage that day !!!!!!!!
Please click on the below links to view the frontpage
of that day..Birth-Day Bash for March & April
Apl-26 (
Birth-Day Bash for March & April )
Apl-11 (
Kishore's Farewell Party )
Mar'20 (
Balki's marriage )
Mar '05 (
Goodbye to Ravi, alias 'Chitappa'
Feb 27 (
Happy B'day wishes to Basav, "The Bull" )
Feb 09 (
Obituary- Arti Ron )
Feb 07 (Mike
Tomsho is given with a 'Retirement Luncheon Party'
Nov 15 (Warm
welcome to Gurjeet & Padmaja, a 'Very Special Couple of Schenectady")
Nov 09 (
RAJGOPA cuts cake at 11pm.... Has the Daylight Saving
Time ended?! … Not for Rajgopal)
Nov 07 (A
few scenes from the super hit skit "EAST OR WEST, UGANDA IS THE
Nov 03 (
Ranatunga (Somina)
to fly this Sunday to play a ' New Game of Life' in India; Azzu's B'day
Nov 01 (
Venkatesh to celebrate his Birthday better than Aishwarya Roy; Tomsho's
B'day & NRA send up picture…)
Oct 30 (
NRA Prasad cuts cake in Bldg 273, in the presence of Anil to start a
New Life in India soon, .... )
Oct 27 (
Oct 26 (
Oct 20 (
Second Birth Day to PRIYANKA, the
daughter of Karthik & Sridevi.....
Oct 17 (
GADP/STAP teams welcome Sitaram, Sujan, YVK, Sreenivas(Reddy) and Raju
with a grand Pot-luck Lunch.... )
Oct 13 (
Rajiv Chalak and Pratibha are blessed with the baby girl “Aishwarya”(7
lbs) )
Oct 11 (
WAR OF TITANS--- Finals b/w Vinod & Bharath in Tennis
Tournament '2000 )
Oct 09 ( Basav on top
of the world's cradle, after setting a record
Oct 02 ( Very Happy
Gandhi Jayanthi & Picnic'2000-- Guys in
watching mood!!!!)
Sept 28 ( Anil presenting
the awards to Niskayuna Barbarians -- The runners-up in Cricket Tournament
Sept 27 ( Manikodi
is honoured with a memorable gift in a grand Farewell Party at Dragon
Garden )
Sept 23 ( BirthDay
Bash in Bldg, 273 !!! - Nagendran & Madhavi exchange their birthday
gifts )
Sept 20 ( Dentist's
delight - Group grins at Picnic'2000... who has the best teeth?' )
Sept 18 ( Madhavi
& Nagendran's B'days)
Sept 15 (Indian Matadors-
The winners of Volleyball' 2000 )
Sept 12 (Azzu gets
Driving Licence in FIRST attempt)
Sept 11 (Senthil celebrates
his Silver Jubilee B'day, by cutting PIZZAS)
Sept 09 (FUN page
updated )
Sept 06(Vinod's B'day)
Sept 05 (Monish's
Sept 01 (Ganesh Chaturthi)
August 30 (First picture
of Picnic on web !!)
August 25 ( Jayadev's
August 22 (Basav storms
into Tennis's Semi Finals)
August 21 (Replacements
win Cricket Trophy)

"Vande Mataram !!!"
Indian Independence Day Celebration at Schenectady
(One of the glimpses
of Flag Hoisting Ceremony held at Hillcrest, today at 7.30 AM.
--Photo by Sai Prasad)
Flag hoisting
ceremony at Schenectady was a great success
Vinod Kaulgud reports....)
The dawn of today brought the 53rd
Anniversary of INDIAN independence. "INDIA" - our motherland- has a
whole new meaning in a foreign land and was very obvious when INDIANS
gathered to celebrate a proud day in INDIAN history! When the world
is moving towards rapid technological advancements, we, young software
professions, the drivers of modern world, led by example, displaying
patriotism and celebrated the first Independence Day of 21st century
in a grand manner!
As scheduled, the National flag was hoisted at 7:30 AM by Anil Ron.
Myself called a salute with the ecstatic chant of JAI HIND. SaiPrasad
led the group by singing 'Vande Mataram', the song that inspired millions
of Indians, during their struggle for freedom. Our National anthem was
sung together and the sheer enthusiasm brought goose pimples on those
present! The function was concluded by the sweet distribution ceremony.
A special thanks to Rajesh Sannuthi for bringing the Tricolor all the
way from INDIA!!! This wouldn't be possible for me alone without the
help of Narasimha Rao, Vijesh Kumar, Saurabh Rath, Satheesha Shamanna,
Parag Dehadaraya, Balakishore Bodgari, Pabbu Venugopal, Ravi Vangala.
Very few people have noticed
that, when Anil launched our new website yesterday at 2.30 PM, it was
the beginning of new day (Aug. 15, 00.00 hr.) in India . What a splendid
way to celebrate the first Independence day of this new millennium,
before our compatriots in India!!!.
We hope that every year we see our Tricolor flag hoisted in the lush
green ground of the Hillcrest! !!!JAI
For more pictures,
please click here "Pictures
of today's Flag Hoisting Ceremony, held at Hillcrest"
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