TCS Schenectady Picinc




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Last Updated on Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Tata community bustles around Hillcrest's and the neighborhood!….
Over 100 IT consultants deputed from TATA Groups of India find themselves entrenched in the state of the art projects at GE Power Systems, Corporate and CR&D. The General Electric Company was started in Schenectady, located near Albany, the Capital District of New York state.

Flash News !!!
Click here to download the latest phonelist of all our members (Thanks to Kalai, Naren & Talla) (updated on Apl'05, 2001)

Birth-Day Bash for March & April is postponed to
Wednesday, Apl' 11, 2001, 5 PM , at Conf. Room 418, Fourth Floor,
Bldg 40...
Who are cutting the cakes?
Anil Ron,
Aswini Kumar,Chakraborthy K, Chandru P, Kannan, Konkat,
Pradeep-Senapathi, Satish,
Vanitha and Chandrashekar Natarajan (from Greenville)...
If your/ur friend's b'day is missed out in the above list, please feel free to inform Kalai (5-8376) or Naren ( 5-7913) asap.
Warm Welcome to Manga, who is back here with Bhanu, after loosing his "BACHELOR's DEGREE" in India....

Kishore gets a grand farewell party at Petta's Restaurent , by GADP, STAP and e-Engg groups...


   One more CAR for SALE --- Interested in Buying ?...Click here now (updated on Apl-05)    
Missed earlier editions. Don't worry any more.....It's just a click away

 Other News :
testA Report about TATA DIWALI FIESTA'2000 (By Nithya Kannan).... Also available in HTML & Word formats
testFold your paper game turns in to lift your partner… (A report by Kannan)
testTATA folks rejoice Picnic '2000 at Thatcher Lake Park of New York State (A report by Raghu)
Flag hoisting ceremony at Schenectady was a great success (A full report with pictures)

This site will be updated almost everyday to bring your desktop, the full pictorial description of all the events, happening at our community. So don't forget to book mark this site.

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