Elijah "Lige" Freeman Trowbridge
Born: July 22, 1803, Morris Plains, Morris Co., New Jersey
Died: Dec. 4, 1851, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York
Parents: Augustine Bayles Trowbridge & Elizabeth Freeman
Occupations: farmer,lumberman, New York City policeman
Religious Affiliation: First Presbyterian Church, Morristown, Morris Co., New Jersey
Baptism: Mar. 23, 1843, First Presbyterian Church, Morristown, Morris Co., New Jersey
Marriage: Nov. 30, 1830, Madison, Morris Co., New Jersey
Wife: Temperance Ludlow Muchmore
Born: Apr. 7, 1808, Madison, Morris County New Jersey
Died: Apr. 25, 1885, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York
Parents: John Tyler Muchmore & Phoebe Donnington (external link)
Apr. 28, 1885, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York Children: Burial: Feb. 17,
1909, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York "Elijah Trowbridge was a farmer, but when a young man removed to Brooklyn (around 1854) and was appointed one of the first policemen of that city. He married Temperance Muchmore, who was born in Bottle Hill, now Madison, New Jersey, a daughter of John Taylor Muchmore. Eight children were born of this union, five of whom reached years of maturity, while four are still living, namely: Phoebe, Charles, John, and Johanna, the wife of George Perkins. Frank, who joined the one hundredth and forty-seventh New York Volunteer Infantry, and served throughout the war, was wounded at Cold Harbor and died from the effects of his injuries after the close of hostilities. Three children of this family died in childhood. The father [Elijah] died in Brooklyn, in the forty-ninth year of his age, while his wife lived to be seventy-two years of age. After her husband's death, she returned to Morris Co., but later moved back to Brooklyn, where her death occurred."
Baptism: Mar. 23, 1843, First Presbyterian Church, Morristown, Morris Co., New Jersey
Church Dismissal: Feb. 10, 1850, to Brooklyn church
William Harvey Trowbridge
Born: Feb. 17, 1832, Morris Plains, Morris Co., New Jersey
Died: Jan. 17, 1844, Morris Plains, Morris Co., New Jersey
Cause of Death: Inflammation of the Bowels
Buried: Old Presbyterian Burying Ground, Morristown, Morris Co., New Jersey
Phebe Elizabeth Trowbridge
Born: May 23, 1833, Morris Plains, Morris Co., New Jersey
1909, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York
Charles Tyler Trowbridge
Francis Granger Trowbridge
James Henry Trowbridge
Born: Nov. 12,1837, Morris Co., New Jersey
Died: 1849, unknown
John Augustin Trowbridge
Joanna Lydia Trowbridge
Ida E. Trowbridge
Born: 1859, New Jersey
Died: still living, 1880, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York
It is unknown if Elijah's older brother Shubael Trowbridge II, who moved to Brooklyn before 1845, played a role in influencing Elijah to relocate his family to the city around 1854.
"Abraham's son Lige was accounted the wit of the mountain, and I was told many anecdotes in proof thereof, but can recall only one. His brother-in-law, Harvey Wilson, sent his boy over to tell his Uncle Lige that his geese were in their grain. Lige turned to his own
boy and said "Go and git them geese quick! They'll starve to death over there."
Some notes about the names mentioned in this story by Julia Beers. Julia was told this story by her father, it seems some details became blurred by time. Abraham was actually Augustine "Austin" Bayles Trowbridge, whose nicknames must have been Abe, derived from his initials A. B.. When Julia heard his name, she thought Abe was Abraham. The town wit, Lige, was Elijah Freeman Trowbridge, and Liges's brother-in-law, Harvey Wilson was William Harvey Willison, husband of Elijah's sister, Jane Lewis Trowbridge. In several Morristown records, his family's last name was often spelled as "Wilson".
Special thanks to cousin Angela Dethloff for helping to identify the people in Julia's story.
The headstones of Elijah's son William Harvey Trowbridge, and Elijah's
father Augustine Bayles Trowbridge, in the Morristown Presbyterian Cemetery.