(David Trowbridge Jarrard & Esther Ann Garrison)
Fred W. (Frederick William?) Jarrard
Born: July, 1870, New Brunswick, Middlesex County or Mt. Freedom,
Randolph , Morris Co., New Jersey
Died: May 27, 1876, Mt. Freedom, Randolph, Morris Co., New Jersey
Buried: Mt. Freedom Presbyterian Cemetery, Mt. Freedom, Randolph, Morris Co., New Jersey
Levi Dalrymple Jarrard II
James Jarrard
Born: July, 1874, New Brunswick, Middlesex Co., New Jersey
Died: May 8, 1875, Mt. Freedom, Randolph, Morris Co., New Jersey
Buried: Mt. Freedom Presbyterian Cemetery, Mt. Freedom, Randolph , Morris Co., New Jersey
(William Frederick Hughson and Esther Ann Garrison)
Etta Hughson
Born: 1878, Mt. Freedom, Randolph, Morris Co., New Jersey
Died: still living, 1914, Washington, District of Columbia
Note: 1900 census, living with maternal aunt, Mary Elizabeth Trowbridge, in the house of her late grandmother, Anna Trowbridge.
Archie Hughson
Solon C. Hughson
Born: after 1878, Mt. Freedom, Randolph, Morris Co., New Jersey
Died: Nov. 14, 1905, Morris Co., New Jersey
Buried: Mt. Freedom Presbyterian Cemetery, Mt. Freedom, Randolph, Morris Co. New Jersey

The headstones of David Jarrard and his sons Fred and James.
The relationship of David T. Jarrard and his first cousin,
Esther Ann Garrison, and then her subsequent marriage to her uncle by
marriage, William Frederick Hughson, is definately one of the most
complex and intertwined relationships in the Trowbridge family in Mount
Freedom. David T. Jarrard was born in 1845 the eldest child of Jane
Lewis Trowbridge (daughter of David Trowbridge & Anna Youngs) and
Levi D. Jarrard, a well to do shop owner from Sussex County (a cousin
of Jane's sister-in-law, Eunice Dalrymple). Living in Mt. Freedom for a
couple of years, David's parents had one more child, William Levi, who
was born and died in 1847. Sometime between 1847 and 1848, Levi moved
his family to Pearysville, Pennsylvania, where David's mother Jane died
the following year, three days after giving birth to David's younger
sister, Mary Jane Jarrard. Now a widower with two children, Levi
remarried the following year, and sometime during the 1850s, moved his
family to New Brunswick, Middlesex Co., New Jersey, where he ran a
prosperous ship chandlers shop, where David spent his childhood. Esther
Ann Garrison was the daughter of David's aunt, Rebecca Ann Trowbridge,
and her husband, Paul Garrison, a farmer from Mount Freedom, Morris
County, New Jersey. Rebecca died in 1847, possibly from complications
from giving birth to Esther Ann. Her father remarried the following
year, but Esther Ann went to live with her maternal grandparents, David
Trowbridge & Anna Youngs <2 year old Esther Ann is listed in the
1850 census living with them at their farm in Mount Freedom). It is
unknown why she lived with her grandparents, even though her brother
and sister remained with their father and stepmother. She may have been
adopted by her grandparents, because the 1860 census has her listed as
"Esther Ann Trowbridge". David Trowbridge was a poor money manager,
owing a $2,000 mortgage on the farm, which the bank foreclosed on the
farm and put it up for auction. The Trowbridges must have appealed to
David's father Levi for help, because Levi purchased several acres of
the property that was put up for sale, which he kept the deed in his
name, but allowed Anna Youngs Trowbridge to remainin her house, along
with a half an acre of land. Even though he was now in possession of
several acres of former Trowbridge property, Levi remained in New
Brunswick, where he continued to run his business, and later became
state senator for Middlesex County in the 1870s. This may have been the
catalyst that brought David and Esther Ann together, because David also
purchased a few acres of his grandparents foreclosed property. David
and Esther Ann married sometime between the 1860 and 1870 census, (in
1860, David was listed as living with his father's family in New
Brunswick). By the 1870 census, David and Esther Ann are listed as
living in New Brunswick, Middlesex Co., New Jersey, where David lists
his occupation as "grocer". David owned a store near the shop of his
father, Levi, who may have set him up with a new business. They were
married after1864, because Esther's name shows up on the list of
members of the Mt. Freedom Presbyterian Church in Morris Co., although
she and David could have been courting her before 1864, because
in 1863
David's half-sister, Esther Ann Jarrard was born, and presumably named
after her future sister-in-law.. Probably married in New
Brusnwick, beginning after the 1870 census, David and Esther Ann had
three sons, Fred W., James, and Levi D. before moving to Mount Freedom
by 1874. They may have settled on lands owned by Levi and David.
Whatever happiness
the couple enjoyed came to an end in 1875-76, when within a 12 month
period, two of their sons, Fred W. and James died, and David,
perhaps from an epidemic of some kind. Left a widow with one surviving
son, Levi, Esther Ann married her former uncle, William Frederick
Hughson, who had been
married to d Esther Ann's maternal aunt, Sarah B. Trowbridge, who died
in 1874. A widower with three children, William and Esther Ann raised
their combined family, along with the three children they subsequently
had together on a fin the home of Anna Young Trowbridge, along with
Esther's brother Charles, and her aunt Mary Elizabeth and uncle
Eliphalet Wells Trowbridge (both were apparently mentally challenged),
where they are listed in the 1880 census. This union brought together
the most complicated family relationship with the Trowbridges and the
extended family. This household now consisted of descendents of three
of the four daughters of David Trowbridge & Anna Youngs: Esther
Ann, the daughter of Rebecca Ann Trowbridge, Levi D. Jarrard, the
grandson of Jane Lewis Trowbridge, and the children of Sarah B.
Trowbridge, with another duaghter, Mary Elizabeth, living with them. As
far as blended families go, William and Esther Ann put this family into
the blender, and set it on puree. First cousin marriages were common in
the family, but this is the most complex and intertwined family ever
listed in the annals of the Trowbridge family. But unlike these other
cousin marriages, the children did well for themselves, most notably
the son of William and Sarah B. Trowbridge, Orion, became a prominent
Morristown undertaker, and took his half brother Solon under his wing,
and Etta later relocated to Washington, D.C. for some unknown reason.
Esther Ann probably died sometime before 1900, because her name does
not appear in the 1900 census, with daughter Etta Hughson
still living in David Trowbridge house with her aunt Mary
Elizabeth, and her father William Frederick living in Morristown with
his sisters, along with their youngest son, Solon. Esther Ann and
William Frederick were buried in an unmarked graves next to that of
Sarah B. Trowbridge in the Mount Freedom Presbyterian Cemetery, in
Randolph, New Jersey.