Grace Abounding Ministries --- Travis Case --- Bible, Sermons, Church, Creation, Evolution, History, Prophecy, Religion, Love, Sex, Suicide Travis Case, Bible, Sermons, Church, Creation, Evolution, History, Prophecy, Religion, Love, Suicide">
" Grace Abounding "
 "... where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:" - Rom. 5:20 
"In Essentials "Unity --- In Non-Essentials Liberty --- In All Things Love."
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Baptist Fellowship

Formerly Known As:
Northgate Baptist Church
402 W. Rochelle     Irving, Texas
Take Highway 183 To The O'Connor Exit,
Go North Four Blocks To Rochelle And Turn Right.

   "Grace  Abounding"      
Travis is now enjoying eternity in the presence of the Lord of lords and King of kings. He was very positive in his belief that he would receive victory over his brain cancer, but the Lord in His love and wisdom knew what was best even though we may not understand it. Even though he is my twin brother; I must say that he had developed one of the best web sites on the Internet. The family would like to keep the web site active. If you would like to help maintain this web site it would be greatly appreciated. Every penny received will be used solely for this site. May God richly bless you, and may you receive an abundance of help from this site in your service for the Lord. May His grace truly abound in your life. Pray for me as I maintain this web site and make the improvements and additions that Travis had already made plans for. His brother in body and spirit -- Havis Case

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"Grace Abounding"
2706 Whippoorwill
White Hall, Arkansas 71602-9442

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Hebrews 9:27

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Copyright © 1977-2003,     F.E.A.S.T. Ministries,     Travis Case,     Irving, Texas

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