Song and tunes which are shared in common
in Greek and Turkish music
1. Agir Aydin Zeybek Havasi Gas Gadinis (instrumental). This is a beautiful prewar from the 78s Lps Identical to No 13.
2. Aman Aman Nalbandim (Turkish). This is the Turkish version of the Menemen Zeybegi No 20.
3. Aptaliko Giorgos Mitsakis. I already posted this before Abdal Zeybegi with bouzouki.
4. Aptalikos (abdal zeybek) Traditional Group from Lesbos. Another version of No. 4 played with santouri, violin, guitar by the Group of Nikos Kailatzis.
5. Aydiniko Dilek Kots-Karsi Aidiniko (instrumental). Dilek Kots a Turkish woman with the Greek group Karsi play this beautiful zeybek.
6. Aydiniko Zeybek Dimitrios Semsis. This is the original version of No. 5, prewar version, excellent.
7. Ayse Karsilama Traditional Group from Lesbos. Ayse karsilama.
8. Ayvalik Zeybek (Harmadali) Giannis Kiriakatis. Rare prewar excellent version of Harmadali played by clarinet and santour.
9. Ayvaliotiko Zeybek Haris Lemonopoulos. Also another very nice version of the Ayvalik Zeybegi said to be Haris Lemonopoulos on the bouzouki.
10. Barbouni Karsilama Traditional Group from Lesbos. Similar tune to Eminem.
11. Bolgour Sirtos Nikos Kalaitzis. This tune starts with the amigdalo (almond) and end with the Turkish Bolgour.
12. Dance of the Horses Traditional Group from Lesbos. It is said to be a Turkish marching tune in 5/4 rhythm also called At Havasi.
13. Harmadalis Zeybegi Nikos Kalaitzis. The Harmadali version of Lesvos island.
14. Ematha pos paizeis zaria [I learned that you play dice ] Zeybegi Antonis Dalgas (Greek Version).
15. Jadarmas Zeybegi Nikos Kalaitzis. The Zeybegi Jadarmas of Lesvos island.
16. Kanarini Roza Eskenazi. Also known in Turkey, prewar version.
17. Karsilamas of Mesotopos Traditional Group from Lesbos.
18. Komita Karsilama Nikos Kalaitzis. Another Turkish karsilama from Asia Minor.
19. Memet Kakourgos. Memet played by the santouri player Kakourgos, Lesvos Island.
20. Menemen Zeybegi (Greek version). Prewar version.
21. Oyun Havalari Mustafa Kandirali Zeybek. Turkish version of what we play as Bergama Zeybegi.
22. Pigi (Karsilama) Traditional Group from Lesbos. Karsilama Pigi.
23. Eminem Roza Eskenazi. Excellent prewar sang by the Greek Roza.
24. Sala Sala Sirtos Antonis Dalgas. Another Turkish tune. Here another prewar version. This is played even today in Greece, very popular.
25. Tsakitzis Achilleas Poulos. An excellent prewar version of Tsakitzi sung by Achilleas Poulos in Turkish.
26. Tsakitzis Gas Gadinis (instrumental). Also excellent prewar version.
Material provided by Ali Fuat Aydin