Common Greek Turkish song and tunes



Song and tunes which are shared in common in Greek and Turkish music

1. Agir Aydin Zeybek Havasi – Gas Gadinis (instrumental). This is a beautiful prewar from the 78’s Lps Identical to No 13.

2. Aman Aman Nalbandim (Turkish). This is the Turkish version of the Menemen Zeybegi No 20.

3. Aptaliko – Giorgos Mitsakis. I already posted this before Abdal Zeybegi with bouzouki.

4. Aptalikos (abdal zeybek) – Traditional Group from Lesbos. Another version of No. 4 played with santouri, violin, guitar by the Group of Nikos Kailatzis.

5. Aydiniko – Dilek Kots-Karsi – Aidiniko (instrumental). Dilek Kots a Turkish woman with the Greek group Karsi play this beautiful zeybek.

6. Aydiniko Zeybek – Dimitrios Semsis. This is the original version of No. 5, prewar version, excellent.

7. Ayse Karsilama – Traditional Group from Lesbos. Ayse karsilama.

8. Ayvalik Zeybek (Harmadali) – Giannis Kiriakatis. Rare prewar excellent version of Harmadali played by clarinet and santour.

9. Ayvaliotiko Zeybek – Haris Lemonopoulos. Also another very nice version of the Ayvalik Zeybegi said to be Haris Lemonopoulos on the bouzouki.

10. Barbouni Karsilama – Traditional Group from Lesbos. Similar tune to Eminem.

11. Bolgour Sirtos – Nikos Kalaitzis. This tune starts with the amigdalo (almond) and end with the Turkish Bolgour.

12. Dance of the Horses – Traditional Group from Lesbos. It is said to be a Turkish marching tune in 5/4 rhythm also called At Havasi.

13. Harmadalis Zeybegi – Nikos Kalaitzis. The Harmadali version of Lesvos island.

14. Ematha pos paizeis zaria [“I learned that you play dice” ] Zeybegi –  Antonis Dalgas (Greek Version).

15. Jadarmas Zeybegi – Nikos Kalaitzis. The Zeybegi Jadarmas of Lesvos island.

16. Kanarini – Roza Eskenazi. Also known in Turkey, prewar version.

17. Karsilamas of Mesotopos – Traditional Group from Lesbos.

18. Komita Karsilama – Nikos Kalaitzis. Another Turkish karsilama from Asia Minor.

19. Memet – Kakourgos. Memet played by the santouri player “Kakourgos”, Lesvos Island.

20. Menemen Zeybegi (Greek version). Prewar version.

21. Oyun Havalari – Mustafa Kandirali – Zeybek. Turkish version of what we play as Bergama Zeybegi.

22. Pigi (Karsilama) – Traditional Group from Lesbos. Karsilama Pigi.

23. Eminem – Roza Eskenazi. Excellent prewar sang by the Greek Roza.

24. Sala Sala Sirtos –  Antonis Dalgas. Another Turkish tune. Here another prewar version. This is played even today in Greece, very popular.

25. Tsakitzis – Achilleas Poulos. An excellent prewar version of Tsakitzi sung by Achilleas Poulos in Turkish.

26. Tsakitzis – Gas Gadinis (instrumental). Also excellent prewar version.


Material provided by Ali Fuat Aydin



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