Stenografins historia - Brights system  
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Brights system

Var och en av de nedåtskrivna spalterna svarar mot två rader i översättningen.

Översättning med ombytta ord
L see thus in great b most s holy m grace
I have sit up d thence v all these sib(yls) were.
What they for t declared, or saw, We see and hear.
And p benefit reap by all their prophecy.
Would God I were a sib(yl) to d God
In worthy v sing your lasting h bliss:
Then only I should be characteress
Of that which worlds with w m
arwell m can begin d.
But what n scarce I to w desire then w you are such
Of whose perfections some n can write too much?

Översättning i vanlig skrift
Lo thus in breife most sacred Maiestye
I haue sett downe whence all theis sibells weare:
What they foretold, or saw, we see, and heare,
And profett reape by all their prophesy.
Would God I weare a Sibell to divine
In worthy vearse your lasting happynes:
Then only I should be characteress
Of that, which worlds with wounder might defyne.
But what need I to wish, when you are such,
Of whose perfections none can write too much.


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