Ibogaine Story
A rainforest alkaloid, Ibogaine,
has been reported to act as an
addiction interrupter across a wide spectrum of abused substances,
including heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, nicotine and alcohol.
Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive indole alkaloid from
the rainforests of West Africa. While it is found in the roots of the
Tabernanthe Iboga (apocynaceae), a shrub commonly planted around
homes in Gabonese villages, it may also be readily synthesized to a
high purity. It is used by the people of the region to induce visions
during initiation rites.
Its discovery as an addiction interrupter
was made in the 1960s by
Howard Lotsof, an American heroin addict in search of a new "high."
After a 36-hour psychedelic experience, he was surprised to find that
he had completely lost his desire for the drugs to which he had been
addicted. He experienced no withdrawal symptoms and was heroin free
for 5 years thereafter.
An interesting side-effect is the
simultaneous loss of multiple
addictions, for example to opiates, cocaine, crack, alcohol and
cigarettes. This versatility and scope has inspired more than a
decade of efforts to develop a clinical mode of the biochemical
processes at work: a primary, dreamlike effect that reverses
withdrawal symptoms (similar to common anti-stroke medications),
followed by the long-lasting anti-craving effects of an Ibogaine
metabolite (which works like an anti-depressant to raise serotonin
The recollections of treated addicts evoke the impression of a deeply
religious and transcendental experience, in which they have the
opportunity to correct past errors and reconstruct their lives and
personalities. They often express surprise at the effectiveness of
the treatment and lack of after-effects and withdrawal symptoms. A
single 36-hour Ibogaine experience is apparently enough to last for a
long time--Lotsof recommends at least 6 months between treatments,
and for many patients a single treatment is enough.
One problem faced by researchers
in the US is the legal status of
Ibogain as a Schedule I drug, meaning that it is deemed to be of no
acceptable medical use and of a high abuse potential--although no
prosecutions for possession or supply have ever been brought, and the
former FDA case officer of Ibogaine, Dr. Curtis Wright, once
admitted its abuse potential was "low to none." Yet prejudice against
medical use of a "psychedelic drug" caused Dr. Alan Leshner, then
newly-installed as head of NIDA (Nat. Inst. on Drug Abuse), to
abandon an ambition early-90s research effort shortly after election
of the Gingrich majority to Congress. FDA-approved research at the
University of Miami soon ground to a halt in a patent dispute.
Looking for a Good Junkie
What's a good junkie? For our purposes, a good junkie is someone who is:
1. Addicted to coke, heroin or pharmaceuticals.
2. Has tried to quit in the
current drug treatment establishment and failed.
3. Wants a real solution to help kick the addiction.
4. Has a reliable family member or loved one who can vouch for his/her condition.
5. Is free to legally exit the U.S. for one week.
6. Can get Lansing, Chicago, Detroit, or Indianapolis with proof of the
above and appear before the MMM Committee.
7.Has current blood test and EKG results, no older
than 4 months
8. Can afford $500-$800 for doctor's fees.
The Ibogain and the drug treatment professional who will administer it are free
If you qualify you will have a possibility of being taken to a secret clinic for Ibogain treatment. One addict will be cured for each location of the 2000 MMM. Make email contact here.
Please give your location when you make contact along with the email address and/or phone number you want us to use to contact you