Genealogy Homepage
Including the
Helbron, Heil, Smrekar/Smreker, Beske, Best, Jones, Herndon, Riley,
and Selected Related Families.
Please be advised that as of 26 October 2009,
GeoCities will be closing. This means these webpages will no longer be
available after that time. It is my intention to relocate this site to a
different address prior to that time. The new address will be posted here as
soon as the transition is complete.
This Section Last
10 Aug 2009
"What man really
fears is not so much extinction,
but extinction with insignificance."
. . . Ernest Becker, psychologist (1924 -1974)
Welcome to my homepage! This site represents a
compilation of over 35 years of personal research and that of many other people
who have shared their research with me in order that, hopefully, an accurate
genealogy of the included families may be preserved. The surnames shown above
represent the families of my eight great-grandparents. In a few selected cases,
related family lineages are also included.
Much of the lineage information presented here, in National Genealogical
Society (NGS) format, was included in my book, A Genealogy of the Helbron Family, published in 1996 by Gateway Press, Baltimore. However,
with the huge amount of genealogical data currently available via the Internet
since the book's publication, as well as the development of numerous Internet
contacts with fellow researchers, it became evident that a mechanism was needed
to make updates and corrections immediately available.
This website is that mechanism and is intended to be an on-going effort;
lineage records are updated as soon as data become available. Each of the
included lineages includes the date of its last update. It should be noted that
in any work of this magnitude, errors are inevitable, but hopefully kept to a
minimum. Comments and corrections are encouraged and welcomed! To contact me,
either click on the rotating "E mail" icon below or on the link at
the top of the next page.
In the ensuing lineage pages, "RN" refers to "Record
Number", which is the link to my master computer database. Please refer to
that person's "RN" when contacting me. Finally, for those unfamiliar
with the NGS Quarterly System format, it may seem confusing at first but is
actually a simple system to master. A brief explanation of this system can be
found at: NGSQS.
You are visitor number since 24 August 2001.
Copyright © 2001-2009, J.
William Helbron. All rights reserved.