童年樂趣多 詞﹕鄭國江 / 曲﹕ B.R. & M Gibb (Original song from Bee Gees "Massachusetts") 童年樂趣多﹐又百厭有傻﹐ 球場學踢波﹐亂踢更亂磨。 學踢波﹐鈍夾<摩>﹐省波餅多多﹐ 要我落場﹐為執波粳搵我。 童年樂趣多﹐日子真好過﹐ 彈琴又唱歌﹐愉快更諧和。 學唱歌﹐排排坐﹐唱苦海孤雛﹐ 當我大傻﹐係走音都指我。 童年樂趣多﹐大個更重傻﹐ 純情學拍拖﹐話名溫功課。 互切磋﹐同看書﹐手仔輕輕拖﹐ 趣怪事成蘿﹐講親粳講我。 童年樂趣多﹐日子真好過。 童年樂趣多﹐日子真好過。 |
Feel I'm goin' back to Massachusetts, Something's telling me I must go home. And the lights all went out in Massachusetts The day I left her standing on her own. Tried to hitch a ride to San Francisco, Gotta do the things I wanna do. And the lights all went out in Massachusetts They brought me back to see my way with you. Talk about the life in Massachusetts, Speak about the people I have seen, And the lights all went out in Massachusetts And Massachusetts is one place I have seen. I will remember Massachusetts... |