Name: May
Age: ??? ^_^ I'm always 18 at heart, hehehe
Horoscope: Gemini
Location: Singapore
Religion: Towards Buddhism...
Favorites Food: Seafood
Favorite Color:
Favorite Animal: Cats...
Favorite Author: 亦舒(YiShu), 金庸(Jin Yong)
Favorite Novel Title: 朝花夕拾 / 亦舒
Favorite Place: I'm a loner at heart, I like to be alone, so reading a good novel
and good music in my room is the most desire place for me...
Interest: I'm a very lazy person,
my interests were mostly indoors -
Reading (Only Chinese),
Music (All kinds except for heavy metals), Singing (Oldies),
Movies (Anything that don't terrifies me :P),
Puzzles (When I have the time), Knitting (When I have the time),
Collecting playing cards,
Chinese astrology, Collecting currencies, etc. etc. etc.
My Picture:
@--\-- --/--@
--- 它常使我深思﹐我究竟在找什麼
生有時﹐死有時﹐ 悲有時﹐歡有時﹐
聚有時﹐散有時﹐ 世無常﹐常隨緣。
There's time when life begins and end,
There's time when happy and sad,
There's time when meet and separate,
Life is impermanance, cherish your destiny...
About the background music: Fur Elise... my favorite classic piece...
Dated 30 May 1999