Hydra Rebetiko Gathering - Photo Gallery






HOME PAGEPROGRAMME FOR THE 2005 CONFERENCE  HOW TO REGISTER – http://www.geocities.com/hydragathering/accom2005.html



We have gathered a few photos of the Hydra Rebetiko Gatherings below


Messrs Tsekouras, Gouventas and Persides, October 2001

Muammer Ketencoglou, October 2001

Mr Kevorkian in his shop in the Plaka, with John Liddell

Getting serious: Harbourside, Hydra, October 2002

Jason Melissinos and Karaghiozis, Hydra, October 2002

Nikos and Nadia, Hydra, October 2002

Hydra transportation, October 2002

Mr Thanasis in his dark glasses, October 2002

Francisco and Katalin, Hydra, October 2002

Getting serious: Hydra harbourside, October 2002

Jam session at the Elektra, Hydra, October 2002

Kyriakos Gouventas, Andreas Tsekouras and Sophia Papazoglou, October 2002

The baglama of Ali Fuat Aydin

Markos Dragoumis, Hydra, October 2002

Hank Bradley, Antoine Carolus and Hugo Strötbaum, Hydra, October 2002

Chris Ziagos and Peter Vejleskov, Hydra, October 2002

Markos Dragoumis at the piano, Hydra, October 2003

Grigoris Vasilas and Lazaros Koulaksizis in concert, Hydra, October 2003

Kyriakos Gouventas and Hank Bradley in session, Hydra, October 2003

Ali Fuat Aydin and Cenk Güray, Hydra, October 2003

Jana Rosa, Hydra, October 2004

Hugo Strötbaum, Hydra, October 2004

Cahit Baylav, Hydra, October 2004

Ed Emery, Hydra, October 2004

Pavlos Erevnidis, Hydra, October 2004

Vassilis Petrocheilos, Hydra, October 2004

Karolos Tsakirian, Hydra, October 2004

Pavlos Erevnidis, Hydra, October 2004

Danai, Hydra, October 2004

Marc Dubin, Hydra, October 2004

Gail Holst, Hydra, October 2004

Ali Fuat Aydin, Hydra, October 2004

Grigoris Bayiokas, Hydra, October 2004

Vamvakaris Band with Evelina, Hydra, October 2004

Gerhard Steingress, Hydra, October 2004

George Zervas, Hydra, October 2004

Karaghiozis, Hydra, October 2004

George Kiriakidis, Hydra, October 2004

Stavros Karayanni, Hydra, October 2004

Christos Tsiamoulis and Kyriakos Gouventas, Hydra, October 2004

Karolos Tsakirian, Hydra, October 2004


and also at






Hydra October 2001 – Jam Session at the Harbourside

Moosootoo with members of the Rebetiko Forum and Muammer Ketencoglou









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